Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into the distinctive features of two systems of government (Absolutism and Constitutionalism) that characterized the European geopolitical landscape during the seventeenth century, and generate inquiries on the concept of political authority in modern society.
Post: On the basis of this week’s readings, and specifically Chapter 16 of the textbookcompare Absolutism and Constitutionalism, using the following questions as a guide:
What is Absolutism?
Why is Louis XIV’s reign considered the height of Absolutism?
In what ways did Louis XIV actually have absolute control?
Identify two European countries, other than France, that were under absolutist rule. Then compare Absolutism in the two countries that you have chosen to Absolutism in France and mention at least one similarity and one difference between Absolutism in these three countries.
What is Constitutionalism?
What role did religion play in the political controversies of seventeenth century England?
What were the implications of the English revolutions on the concept of political authority?
Identify two outposts of Constitutionalism in the seventeenth century, other than England.
Purpose : The purpose of this assignment is to gain
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